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LC Health Newsletter: April 21

Dear LCPs, VPs TM and VPs Finance,

NLDC is just around the corner, and we're very excited to be seeing all of you very soon!

It's time for another LC Health newsletter!

Today is a very exciting day: we have officially hit 1000 approves in our MC term, from June to May!

But it's not over: we yet have to hit 1000 realizations!

here is about a week left to make a difference in April! Let's take a quick look at some of our lead measures.

How are we doing in IXP?

How are we doing in member contribution?


  • OGX Pricing Model Open Space - Wednesday, April 26, 6:00-8:00pm EST
    • In lieu of the upcoming proposed motion to update the EP Fee prices, we will be holding an open space to answer any inquiries about this change. As we understand that it is exam season, we will be recording this space. We will also have an additional space at legislation fair to discuss about this. More information will be sent through a google calendar invite.
  • NLDC Registration Closes Saturday, April 22, 11:59pm EST
    • This is our last chance to get your remaining members/EPs/interns to register. For those already attending, please encourage your delegates to sign up for the CXP and Sales Summits as these spaces will provide strategic insight on ensuring a smooth delivery of our Summer Peak.
    • We have 16 people waitlisted still, please poke them to complete registration by the deadline. The list can be found here: https://na4.salesforce.com/00O60000004h89M
    • NLDC Dashboard: https://na4.salesforce.com/01Z60000000nV6K
    • Register here: conference.aiesec.ca
    • NLDC Conference
      • Password: gen2017
    • CXP Summit
      • Password: leadership
      • Purpose: Highly recommended for MarCom, oGV, and oGT. Learn value delivery for realized EPs this summer!
    • Sales Summit
      • We have combined the General and Advanced Sales Programs
      • Password: salesbeast
      • Purpose: Highly recommended for iGT members. Members from support functions can also attend and learn sales skills needed to drive summer operations. 


  • Team Standards:The 5th Team Standards Survey is due on Sunday, April 23rd @ 11PM EST.  As we are wrapping up the Winter semester, make sure that every team leader is delivering the "Closing" stage of team standards, before you move on to the summer structure.
  • Summer Plan: If you haven't submitted your LC summer talent plan, please do so within the next 48 hours. Make a copy of this template, and follow the instructions.
  • People Analytics: We will be sending you your LC's responses from AI's AIESECer survey very soon. Take a look, identify the key issues with your membership management, and adapt your strategies for summer accordingly.
  • CX Challenge: The last deadline for the Canadian CX Challenge is April 30th. If you have any questions about the submission, reach out to me or your TM NST coach! Don't miss the deadline, so that you may receive your certification at NLDC!


  • Internal Audit: Sign up here for the internal audit at NLDC. The person who attends the audit should be the VP Finance, the LCP or a proxy. The documents to prepare are the following: bank statements, receipts, bank deposit slips, cheque carbon copies or records.
  • Q1 Submissions: You can request feedback from your coach on the Q1 submissions. Reach out!
  • Webinar: There will be a webinar next week about the audit, to help you get ready. The details will be released soon!

Do you know how your LC is standing with regards to health over the last 3 months? Click on the image below for a special #AchieveApril growth tip video:


To access the spreadsheets shown in the video, just click here.

What does this mean for LCPs, VPs F, and VPs TM? 

LCPs: Coach VP IGTs/oGTs & VP MarComs on the bottlenecks in application generation and approving EPs, as well as closing on sales meetings. Connect your team to the resources they need (e.g. NSTs, other AIESEC Canada VPs). 

VPs F: What educational touch-points do your VPs need to attend to make sure they drive these programs in the summer? How can the LC either subsidize or create an ROI-based reimbursement plan for members that want to attend functional summits in these programs? 

VPs TM: How can the LC structure be more agile to ensure that talent exists in these programs throughout the summer?

If you remember from my March 9th newsletter, I talked to you about Grit, and I linked you to two cool TED Talks about it. One of the speakers, Caroline Miller, is releasing a book this June about how to develop grit, and her introduction and first chapter are available for free, if you sign up here. Take a quick look!

In the meantime, let's take a look at a TED Talk about success vs. mastery, by Sarah Lewis.



In this talk, the speaker explains the difference between success and mastery. Success is an individual moment: hitting the goal, completing a difficult task. Mastery is knowing that success means nothing until it can be reproduced again, and again, and again. Mastery is a constant pursuit.

It made me think about LCs in Canada. How often do we see LCs having a successful year... only to decline again the following year? Our LCs have successful years, but rarely reach mastery. How can we change that?

Food for thought, for the LC Health synergy, about how to make our growth more sustainable year over year.